Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Inspiration: Doc Martens


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Hi everyone i am so so sorry for my blog absence!!!!! i just got home from a eleven and half hour shift at the ski resort i work at and am totally pooped right now. I work a ton next week but i am going to try and get out for outfit photos on monday which is my one day off (woot woot). Last week i went on a awesome trip to visit my sister and i have tons of new stuff to show you all it is so nice to be able to afford things over ten dollars but i am still super cheap generally fifteen is my max lol. Although i did splurge and buy a pair of brand spanking new doc martens!!! i have been searching thrift stores and ebay for two years now but i have very large feet and have never been able to find my size!!! So i finally bought new ones for myself because i never buy anything remotely expensive and i have read they are excellent for walking once they have been broken in. I really love how they look especially with skinny jeans so here are some fab inspiration pics for them. I hope everyone had a great day!!




Kalina said...

Dr Martens shoes are awesome!

Just Another Shopaholic said...

The shoes are amazing!!

Andrea said...

These photos are all seriously perfect inspiration, thanks very much for this post!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I love Dr Martens, this is a fab inspiration post!


Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;


niknok said...

I just wanna say I love your blog and I'm definitely following it! Hope you could drop by mine too! Thanks! Have a nice day!

The Niknok Style

Midwest Muse said...

Such great inspiration! I have a pair of blood red patent ones. They are so in your face, it's really hard to try and style them. I must try after seeing all of these!

Larissa Dobbin said...

These clothes are a mix of rock & roll and vintage, which makes each of them so unique. These shoes can be paired with just about anything, including jeans, skirts, and dresses. One more thing: they're durable and stylish.